Welcome to

Standish lipreading society

Helping local people to overcome hearing difficulties with lipreading

Did you know there currently more than 11 million people in the UK with some form of hearing loss, or one in six of the population. More than 900,000 people in the UK are severely or profoundly deaf. More than 70% of over 70 years-old and 40% of over 50 years-old have some kind of hearing loss (Action on Hearing Loss March 2016).


Suffering hearing loss?

Need help following conversations?

Need help managing your hearing loss?

Feeling isolated?

Want to meet people with similar issues?

Does any of this apply to you?

If you recognise any of these comments and want support and guidance then you have come to the right place. You can get in touch with us via our contact from or email us for more information.

Standish Lipreading Society prides itself in our professional approach and creating an environment enabling individuals to make friends with like minded people. 

theatre trips

Our trips are to theatres with audio assistance for everyone.

Classroom visits

We have visits to our learning sessions from various tutors to enable you to overcome your hearing difficulties


Our society relies on donations from our very generous supporters, without whom we could not exist. From time to time, our members and their families get invovled in various fundraising activities. 

Quotes from our members

“I am now aware of how to train my eyes to recognise speech shapes and focus my awareness on how to take full advantage of expressions, signs and all other means of communications”

“Topics introduced by our tutor are fun, educational and social interaction between members make each class fun and challenging”

Latest News!

Standish Lipreading Society awarded £944 by Wigan Rotary Club

Our supporters

We couldn’t provide the services we do with our supporters. A heartfelt thank you to the following.


A special thank you goes to Forever Manchester Funding Organisation. If they hadn’t awarded us funding over the last 2/3 years we would not exist as a society. Through their grant awards we would not be able to continue providing lip reading services to adults with hearing disabilities.